New Event Calendar
Same Great Programs
Wallkill Public Library is updating our Programming & Events Calendar for the new year. As of Monday, December 16th, you will notice a difference in how our Programming & Events Calendar looks. However, all of our great events and programs will still be there. All registrations have been transferred over to the new calendar.
We look forward to seeing you in the library for our events and programs! Wishing you a merry and bright holiday season!
Mahjong "Madness"
Come join the fun!
Come join us for Mahjong Club meeting on Wednesdays at 1pm until 4pm, and Thursdays from 6pm until 8pm.
More Mahjong events may be in the works for the coming year. So, keep an eye out on our new Programming & Events Calendar!
Print a museum pass from home!
Did you know that there are some museum passes you can print from home? Just visit the Ulster County Library Association’s InfoPortal on our website! You’ll see a list of passes that are available to all Ulster County library patrons, including the FDR Library and Museum, the Guggenheim, the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome, and much more!
Online healthcare help!
If patient portals, digital forms, and telehealth visits with your doctor have you confused, let a digital navigator help. These trusted guides can walk you through the steps to get connected and manage your health care—for free. Learn more at, call (845) 895-3707, or stop in at the library located at 7 Bona Ventura Ave, Wallkill NY.